Tuesday, February 17, 2015


 I have not posted about my decision to baby lead wean my daughter yet on here, so I decided to do so now.
We decided to skip cereals and processed foods for Rowan.
Though BLW is a form of weaning baby off the breast and an introduction of foods for them, I can not say that Rowan is being weaned off the breast.
Breastfeeding is pretty much all we do still.
She loves her breast milk too much.
 So in some ways we are calling it baby lead feeding.

Today I gave her two slices of apples.
She's just learning to eat so I'm not bringing out other options for her at the moment.
It's a learning process for her.
I watched her gnaw and suck on her slices of apples, oh how she loved every second of it.
I will be introducing more options into her diet as the weeks go by.
Since I'm on the learning road of BLW, this will be slow ride for us.
Luckily, Pinterest has been coming in handy when it comes to what food are best for babies.
Praying that this new adventure works in our favor.
 So bring on the dirty bibs, messy tables, and satisfied tummies.

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