Saturday, November 15, 2014


Second hand clothes are the best for Rowan.
I have bins filled with Levia's outgrown clothes that I have been saving for Rowan.
Though most of it gets donated, I keep a handful of clothes that I just can not part ways with.
All of these outfits carry memories of when Levia was an infant.
I can remember when she wore them, where she wore them, and pictures of her wearing them.
Now that Rowan has started to wear them, I still plan only holding on to some.
I do plan on having a third child, but years from now.
I look forward to pulling these clothes out again when the time comes.
They'll hold more memories.
More stories.

This outfit the Rowan is wearing is one the Levia wore when we were visiting in San Anotnio.
I took a photo of her while she was having tummy time on my brother's living room floor.
She looked beautiful.
So small.
I'm glad I will forever have those memories.
Hopefully I can find that picture.
If so, I'll update this blog with it.
Well, I found it.
Though I don't have the original copy of this photo on my computer or in my blog, luckily I had it posted on Facebook.
Just look at my baby Levia.

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